
Bristly Tunicate

Scientific name: Halocynthia igaboja

Family: Pyuridae

Phylum: Chordata

Typical size: 10 centimeters tall and 2 to 5 centimeters across

Depth range: Up to 165 meters

Description: Tunic is red, brown, or orange with spine-like projections over the body. The two siphons have 12 to 50 tentacles, and when closed, form a cross shape.

Habitat and behavior: They live from Alaska to southern California. They live in rock or gravel usually in a current where they collect debris and diatoms, making them difficult to see.

glassy tunicate

Scientific name: Ascidia paratropa

Family: Ascidiidae

Phylum: Chordata

Typical size: 10 to 15 centimeters tall

Depth range: subtidal to 100 meters, more commonly found in deeper waters

Description: White or translucent body with round tubercles covering the surface. The siphons are large and protruding from the body at unequal heights. 

Habitat and behavior: Glassy Tunicates live attached to different hard substrates.

orange sea squirt

Scientific name: Cnemidocarpa finmarkiensis

Family: Styelidae

Phylum: Urochordata 

Typical size: Up to 8 cetimeters tall and 3—5 centimeters wide

Depth range: 0—50 meters

Description: Smooth, reddish-orange tunicate. Appears shiny or “pearly”. The siphons are relatively far apart and of equal size.

Habitat and behavior: This solitary tunicate will grow on any firm surface (docks, rocks, etc). Its predators include sea stars, and these tunicates sometimes have a symbiotic copepod that lives in the brachial chamber or tunic. Tunicates are filter feeders that usually eat phytoplankton. 

orange social ascidians

Scientific name: Metandrocarpa taylor

Family: Styelidae

Phylum: Urochordata

Typical size: An individual can grow to 6 millimeters in height and width, and colonies can be larger than 30 centimeters wide

Depth range: 0—20 meters

Description: A social tunicate, meaning they live in large clumps close together, and are red/dark orange in color.

Habitat and behavior: Grows on rocks and lives in the intertidal zone usually with strong currents. Can grow from British Columbia to Southern California. Grows in clumps with other tunicates, but are not colonial.

pacfic transparent sea squirt

Scientific name: Cliona savignyi

Family: Cionidae

Phylum: Chordata

Typical size: 4 to 10 centimeters

Depth range: 10 to 25 meters 

Description: Solitary tunicate. Clear body, through which internal gills and intestines are visible. Body has white and orange spots, two siphons of unequal height have orange and white rims. 

Habitat and behavior: This species is invasive to the area. It attaches to hard surfaces and competes for space with endemic species, often taking over and becoming “invasive”.

styela clava

Scientific name: Styela clava

Family: Styelidae

Phylum: Chordata

Typical size: 8 to 12 centimeters tall

Depth range: 0 to 25 meters 

Description:  A solitary sea squirt that is clubbed-shaped. It is relatively tall with two short siphons. The texture can be leathery, bumpy, or wrinkled that is bright orange, yellow, or brown in color.

Habitat and behavior: Found in Japan, West coast, Denmark and Canada. It will grow on rocks, wood or pilings. 

transparent tunicate

Scientific name: Corella inflata

Family: Corellidae

Phylum: Chordata

Typical size: 2 centimeters

Depth range: 0 to 12 meters 

Description: This is a solitary ascidian. It is smooth and transparent and hard to spot if one is not looking for it. It’s height is twice as tall as it is wide. The two siphons do not extend from the body.

Habitat and behavior: Lives from British Columbia to the San Juan Islands. It eats Phytoplankton and detritus.